Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Granada, España

Ahhh! Now let's get back to the positive posts. I'm sorry I haven't kept you updated on my latest excursions. I've been too busy falling in love with the rest of the world. 

A ver... (Let's see)...

A few weeks ago, my friends and I visited Granada, a beautiful city in Southern Spain. I was pretty excited about this because up until now I have done most of my traveling by myself! I have come to love traveling and I do not mind doing it alone a single bit. However, it is nice to have some company sometimes. A ton of us trained it over to Granada (3 hours) on Friday morning.

Granada was awesome. The whole city was surrounded by mountains, most importantly Sierra Nevada. I would have loved to ski or hike there but unfortunately we didn't have time and the weather was difficult. Up until now I was fortunate enough to have a friend in every city I have visited, so this was my first hostel stay and it was awesome! This one had a cool rooftop area, a bar, kitchen, and outside patio. At night the people made Paella for everyone and people from all over ate together and got to know each other. Then in the morning there were some breakfast food out and you could serve yourself and eat with all different residents of the hostel. Then after you would do your own dishes. Call me crazy but I thought it was cool haha. I'm a nerd. It's the simple things for me :)

Our hostel (Oasis Granada)

So obviously you can't go to Granada without seeing the beautiful Alhambra! For those of you who live under a rock, the Alhambra is a beautiful palace/fortress in Granada and one of the most important sites in all of Spain. There are so many different parts to the Alhambra and it is extra beautiful because it is located on top of a hill and surrounded by the gorgeous Sierra Nevada mountain range. Also, you could overlook the entire city. I am so happy that I got a chance to see the Alhambra while I was in Spain because I've learned about it for years.

Later in the evening, we went to Plaza de San Nicholas. It is a super cool spot to watch the sunset over the city. Take the beauty of this picture and multiply it by 100. The mountains in the background were probably the coolest thing. It didn't even look real. The Alhambra looked like some crazy, Medieval fortress you see in the movies.

I loved the hill-y layout of the city

Rooftop Sunrise in Granada

I had a fantastic time in Granada. Ate lots of Babel, went to a cave bar overlooking the city, stayed in my first hostel, had some 3 a.m. french-fries covered in Kabobs/mysterious sauces, saw a sunrise and a sunset, as well as some of the most spectacular architectural sites in Spain, anddddd got to spend it with all of my new friends (a.k.a. the people that my parents paid to hang out with me for a semester). 

I love Granada.

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous of YOUR WHOLE LIFE. These pictures are amazing! I would be so scared to travel alone internationally, you are fearless girl! Love you!!!!
