Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Andddd we're off!

January 6th has arrived and we were officially on our way to the Big Apple for take-off. My departure was single-handedly the most embarrassing in history. Me stumbling over 3 oversized bags, my parents and sister following behind me through the whole security line, crying and laughing. It was really hard to say good-bye. 

NYC--> Madrid--> Sevilla

The flight to Madrid was roughly seven hours. I struck up a conversation with a girl next to me from Madrid. I just KNEW I should have waited until hour 6 to talk to her because the last 4 hours of the flight were spent in a conversation consisting of us both nodding our heads to one another's very different versions of Spanglish and politely pretending to comprehend. That's when I first started to get a little nervous about this whole trip. She was sweet, though.

Let's set the record straight here-- I took 4/5 years of Spanish in high school. Granted, I did really well in Spanish, I just never sincerely tried to become fluent in it. So after three years off, I'm a little rusty. I realllllly learned that when I got to the Madrid airport at 7 a.m. Since obviously my life is a movie (or so I think), picture that scene where I'm standing still in the middle of the airport and there are a million people in fast forward zipping past me in every which way. Now picture that combined nonsensical noise in Spanish. 
My thoughts exactly.

 So I went to McDonald's and strongly considered hopping the next flight home.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS. I love the way you left it off-- I want to read the next part right away! And you, making your first abroad stop at McDonalds? NO WAY. :)
